Monday, January 7, 2013

2012 The year of SERIOUS changes

As usual I will try to keep it short...

2012 was by far the most pivotal year of my life.  Just about everything changed.  Looking back at the last year of my life, their are a lot of things I learned but none more important than this:

I was challenged to let things take their course and to learn how to "let" that happen.  This is by far the hardest task for me, I'm somewhat a control freak when it comes to life.  2012 taught me that we cannot control many things about life, but what we can control is what we do and how we react. 

I was in a constant struggle to adjust last year and finally in October I made the very hard decision to stop EVERYTHING I was doing (outside of going to work) and focus on me and where I wanted to be.  This meant I stopped making plans after work and on weekends. I stopped all scheduled activities and started focusing on clearing my head. 

I can happily say that although I am not 100% there, I am on a clearer path to where I want to be. Today I begin my training again, and rather than being stressed about the time I will not have, I am looking forward to seeing my friends at the Do Jang tonight. 

It's going to be a great 2013.

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